A Well Known Engineer...

Get your "what mic?" frustration or "have you heard" out here. The language could get real okka in here mate.

Moderators: Aaronw, kendale, John Sayers

Confused, but not senile yet
Posts: 2336
Joined: Thu Feb 05, 2004 1:56 pm
Location: Hanilton, Ontario, Canada

A Well Known Engineer...

Post by AVare »

I could not think of a better forum to post this in, so here it is in the wombat hole.

Bruce Swedien has just about his own thread here.

Edit 09.26. I just cuaght this bitty in Bruce's thread
I have been asked by a major industry mag to do an article of my own choosing for release in that mag next September.

I thought an appropriate subject for today's recording community would be -"Making Music In Small Rooms", or how about - "Recording Music In Small Spaces".

Want to be involved?

09.26 (2nd edit) Ever wonder who else reads this site? From Bruce Swedien in the above thread
And - where the heck is John Sayer? We need him in this discusion.... I loved his piece on the Studio in the shipping container!